The Lexingtonienne
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  • February28th

    My friend Katie is an intrepid soul. She has two amazing, lovely, adorable babies who are a whopping 18 months apart from each other. After reading my last post, Katie decided to show off by posting THIS photo on Facebook:


    You can clearly see little Sean perched in the “big kid” part of the shopping cart. Look closely to spot baby Lucy camouflaging herself like Where’s Waldo amongst the yogurt and bananas.

    Katie, I don’t know whether to call this courageous or crazy. You probably call it necessary. Regardless, I salute you.

    How do the rest of you mamas do it? Send me photos!



  • February27th

    When I was pregnant, I was an indefatigable task master, hell-bent on accomplishing every item of business before the baby arrived. Car registration completed 2 months in advance? Check. Property taxes paid 3 months before they were due? Yep. Enough hand soap stockpiled to last us until the baby’s 7th birthday? Youuu betcha.

    The goal was to take care of everything so that, once Eleanora arrived, I could focus just on her. I was preparing for life to slow down, to be suspended in this magical, albeit sleepless, bubble of time. It’s a beautiful idea, isn’t it?

    My mistake, however, was thinking my life would slow down. Haha.



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  • February14th

    Does your family have a favorite song? My family (like yours, I’m sure) has a few favorites, one of which is called “Always,” and was written in 1925 by Irving Berlin. Two of my great-grandmothers, Idelle Ross Pennebaker and Louise Jones Hopkins, particularly loved “Always.” And because I believe in the transcendent love of generations of mamas, I sing this tune to my sweet baby, so that she and I may feel connected to her great-great-grandmothers and the mamas who loved them when they were babies:

    I’ll be loving you, always. With a love that’s true, always.


    When the things you’ve planned…

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  • February11th

    Do you remember when I made homemade strawberry pop tarts?


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