Remember this kid, from Halloween?
When I texted these pink pig photos to my family last October, they all responded, “Not a hat girl.”
Well I’m not sure where that kid went, because this kid…
… is a HAT GIRL.
Recently we were treated to a spur-of-the-moment visit from my mom and grandmother who came all the way from Lexington just to hang out with us. They had just been through a Friday afternoon tornado followed by a Sunday night snow, so I’m not totally sure what made them want to come visit sunny LA for a few days. But Hubba Bubba, Eleanora, and I were sure glad to see them.
As a gift to our little Hat Girl, Mimi brought the HAT OF ALL HATS.
Just when we didn’t think the hat could be any funnier, Eleanora decided to wear it while she was nakey…
… and pushing her doll stroller…
… and THEN she pulled it all the way down over her face and ran around the room Stevie Wonder style.
We were planning on being a UK cheerleader for Halloween this year, but this spiffy new hat has us coming up with other ideas…
We are THRILLED with our new hat. THANKS, MIMI!