The Lexingtonienne



Eleanora proudly announces that she is 8 months old.

8 months

She’s very talkative, and while she occasionally utters “mama” and “dada,” she mostly says “blah blah, blah blah” and “haggghhh!”

8 months

Her favorite toys are spoons, straws, and grocery lists.

8 months

She has two big bulges under her gums where her top two teeth will be pushing through soon.

8 months

And she is adept at manhandling Lulu, her Bla-Bla doll. Hang in there, Lulu.

8 months

She rolls, scoots, and rocks back and forth on all fours… meaning that crawling is right around the corner and we are all in big trouble. 🙂

8 months

And she continues to be a super sweet, very happy baby. Hubba Bubba and I think we lucked out.

8 months


P.S. Happy birthday, Layton!


  • Comment by Sean and Lucy — August 14, 2011 @ 6:14 pm

    Okay…this baby is entirely too cute. And she is your twin. Love you!

  • Comment by joyce — September 3, 2011 @ 5:04 am

    She is the cutest baby I have seen in a very long time….maybe since you were that age…..(: JB

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