The Lexingtonienne



My mom had a few signature phrases when Sister and I were little (in those pre-Little Brother days). “Eat your peas, Louise,” was the constant dinnertime plea, while, “Goodness gracious sakes alive!” was appropriate for just about any situation. But Mama’s most notable catchphrase — the one I heard her proclaim the most often — was, “My house is a WRECK!”

I always thought our house looked fine. Sure, it got a little messy here and there. Sister and I were kids, not museum docents. But Mama was always insisting the place was a “wreck.”

And since it’s inevitable that we all grow up to be our mothers, I now find myself habitually asserting, “My house is a wreck!”

So today’s recipe is not one you should eat. Technically you could eat it, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It is, however, excellent for scrubbing your shower tiles and for getting soap scum off of glass shower doors, if that’s what you’re rocking. Plus it’s “all natural,” which is a a big trend with the fetuses these days. And if you’re a fan of those super-strong household cleaners with odors so potent it singes your nose hairs, this one does that too.


White vinegar
Baking soda

Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray down your shower. Shake baking soda over top — it will sizzle in a way that is oddly gratifying — and a foamy paste will form. Scrub with a scrubby sponge until your shower sparkles and you have temporarily disabled your sense of smell. Rinse.

Other favorite cleaning products include Clorox wipes (when they go on sale I buy like 10 things of them at a time) and Swiffer — dry for my hardwood floors, wet for my kitchen and the bathrooms. Oh and Clorox toilet wands. What about you? Any recommendations?

Happy September!


  • Comment by Jill Schoenfeld — September 1, 2010 @ 1:56 pm

    I must try this concoction! Method All Purpose Spray in Lavender is a miracle worker….it smells yummy and get’s stains out of everything from carpet to couches.

  • Comment by Erin Taddeo — September 2, 2010 @ 9:59 am

    My favorite cleaning trick is using a dryer sheet to wipe (WIPE, not scrub)soap scum off glass shower doors. It doesn’t even make sense, but somehow it miraculously works with relatively little effort!

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