The Lexingtonienne
  • Eleanora
  • November6th


    We’ve been back from our Kentucky trip for a few weeks now, but I’m just now getting around to posting these photos. It’s my cleaning lady’s fault, or my EX-cleaning-lady, I should say. I could launch into a fuming diatribe about that, but suffice it to say my pet tornado and I are currently cleaning lady-less. Therefore, my to-do list has gotten a lot longer. (If anyone has a recommendation for a reliable housekeeper, the Duffys are hiring.)

    Anyway, here’s Eleanora in Kentucky with her cousin Cooper. 🙂

    October 2012 Kentucky

    October 2012 Kentucky

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  • October22nd

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    We’re back from a visit to Kentucky! Our first order of business was to get my best friend, Jenny, married to her knight in shining armor, Brett. I don’t have a photo of her as bride (since I was a bridesmaid and was carrying a bouquet of flowers in lieu of my camera or iPhone). But here she is a couple of years ago posing with another knight in shining armor.

    Jenny and the knight

    And here I am with my dear friends Amelia and Glenda at the wedding reception. This black and white comes to you courtesy of Glenda and her husband, David.

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  • September24th


    In LA it’s easy to forget that fall has started, since summer weather doesn’t really debut here until September, and often hangs on well  into November. But in our family we just experienced our first official “No Seriously, It Really Is Fall” moment: Eleanora started school.

    EBD First Day of "School"

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  • September10th


    Hey there! The Lexingtonienne is back from a visit to the homeland. It was my first trip away from Eleanora (long overdue, probably, but that’s just the way it worked out). And while E and her daddy got lots of father-daughter bonding time over a long weekend at home in LA, I got to enjoy a rainy Lexington weekend with these precious people:

    Lexington Sept 2, 2012

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