Have you heard of the nesting instinct? It’s the urge you get while pregnant to feather your nest, so to speak, and it’s fantastic. You get all kinds of stuff done while under the influence of the nesting instinct. Garages get cleaned out, drawers get reorganized, and multiple donations to Goodwill are made. The clock is ticking down to baby, and mama wants to be prepared. In short, reproductive = verrrry productive.
We only have a few weeks to go till Baby #2, and — thanks to my nesting brain and Hubba Bubba’s accommodating brawn — all the big things are done. Nursery is set up. Infant equipment is out of storage and ready to use. Newborn clothes and diapers are in the drawers prepped to go. Hospital bag is packed. And Cousin Kate arrives in a week (Three cheers for Kate!) to help care for the Big Sister in this time of transition.

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