The Lexingtonienne
  • Eleanora
  • January8th

    1 Comment

    Remember this post from the summer, when we tried futilely to get a photo of Eleanora and her Cousin Cooper together? (Of course you do.) Well perhaps the only thing harder than snapping a decent photo of two babies is getting a good shot of two active toddlers. Allow me to demonstrate.

    ATTEMPT #1:
    Thursday, December 22. Cooper couldn’t take his eyes off Eleanora’s new pink princess riding toy long enough to look up at the camera…

    Christmas 2011

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  • January5th


    You already heard about the party that didn’t happen on December 11. Here is the party that did happen, on December 17, six days after the originally scheduled party, also known as six days closer to Christmas. At that point, I couldn’t prolong Christmas decorations any further. Although we had agreed to forego a tree (curious toddler who would pull it down, not enough space for tree and party guests, out of town for an entire week at Christmas — forget it), I had to haul out the holly, and it needed to agree with a pink-themed birthday party. Here’s what materialized:

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  • January4th


    Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. We spent the holidays in Kentucky with my family and had such a great visit. Here are some of the highlights.

    Magee's Cupcakes

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  • December20th


    Wow, it’s December 20 already!  Christmas is nearly here. Thankfully, Eleanora’s birthday party finally happened, and while I’m excited to share photos of it with you, that post will have to wait until after the holidays. In the post-party crunch of rearranging our house back to normal, cleaning up, writing birthday thank you notes, sending out Christmas cards, and packing for our trip to Kentucky… well, I just ran out of time. We get on a plane to Lexington early tomorrow, and I’ll be taking a break from the blog until we get back.

    Christmas Card 2011

    For now, the Duffys wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    And as a bonus Christmas gift to you and all the other Michael Buble fans out there, Hubba Bubba’s Michael Buble Christmas Special will air again tomorrow night – WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 at 9:00 pm on NBC. If you missed it the first time, be sure to catch the encore airing!

    Until 2012,

    P.S. I have a double chin in that photo because I was clicking my tongue to get Eleanora to look up and smile. Just so we’re clear.