The Lexingtonienne
  • Recipes
  • May17th


    I love May. Not only is it my birthday and Mother’s Day and our anniversary (poor Hubba Bubba – May is a tall order for him), but it’s also the peak season for two of my favorite things. Peonies…


    … and strawberries. Double YAY!

    more strawberries

    I love strawberries plain, all by themselves.


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  • May3rd


    Hello? Is this thing on? If you received this post in your inbox, you have probably forgotten all about The Lexingtonienne by now, that’s how long it’s been since I last did a post. What happened was, I suffered from a severe bout of laziness one week, then the following week everyone in my house was hit with the plague. We were sick as dogs last week, and it has been a lingering sickness that’s stubbornly kept us all below the “feeling 100%” mark even into this week. The good news is, thanks to us, Kleenex will not be going out of business any time soon.

    Aside from a batch of cure-all Chicken Noodle Soup (in late April – ?!?), the kitchen has seen very little of me in the past couple of weeks. So I’m digging into the archives today to bring you a couple of great little recipes for Derby fare, since the 138th annual Run for the Roses is this Saturday. Here are some suggestions for your celebration.

    First is the diet-busting Kentucky Hot Brown (pdf). Just because the jockeys are keeping themselves at a slim 112 pounds this week doesn’t mean you have to. (HAHA! 112 pounds. Ahhh, that’s funny.)

    Hot Brown! Gonna Make You Sweat

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  • April13th


    You know how some children have to be tricked into eating their vegetables?

    lemon bars

    Jerry Seinfeld’s wife wrote an entire cookbook about sneaking spinach into pancakes. Then some other lady sued her because she also wrote an entire cookbook about sneaking spinach into pancakes. And people ran out and bought both books, so obviously a lot of folks have to trick their kids into eating vegetables.

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  • April3rd


    Don’t you just love when you can get tons of use out of something? You know, like the little black dress you’ve worn a million times, or the monogrammed L.L. Bean tote bag you’ve lugged everywhere, or a versatile, all-occasion hat.

    hash brown casserole

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