The Lexingtonienne
  • Eleanora
  • June4th


    We are BACK from our fabulous Isle of Palms vacation! We had a wonderful time with four generations of my family. The trip was a Christmas gift from Super Uncle, and all of us — Mimi, Papaw, Mama (aka Shae-Shae), Super Uncle Josh, Seester Haley with TWO buns in the oven, Brother-in-Law Dan, Cooper, Little Brother Ross (aka Uncle Boss), Cousin Kate, her boyfriend Patrick, Hubba Bubba, Eleanora, and I — loved every moment we shared together. We are so lucky to have such love in our family.

    Unfortunately I spent so much time chasing a certain someone around that I was not the best photographer. In fact, I didn’t get a single photo of the whole group (which I will regret forever), and I didn’t even get every family member! So you’ll just have to trust me that we were all there. Here are a handful of my favorite snapshots, in no particular order.


    EBD 17 months IOP, SC

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  • May17th


    I love May. Not only is it my birthday and Mother’s Day and our anniversary (poor Hubba Bubba – May is a tall order for him), but it’s also the peak season for two of my favorite things. Peonies…


    … and strawberries. Double YAY!

    more strawberries

    I love strawberries plain, all by themselves.


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  • May15th


    So I was just saying to Sister that I’ve realized just how active Eleanora has gotten because I never have time to blog anymore. I don’t even have time to THINK about blog posts. This is my view for a good portion of each day:


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  • April12th


    How was your Easter weekend? Ours was jam-packed with wall-to-wall nonstop action. Friday night we had Hubba Bubba’s Philly Italian cousins — who were visiting from the East Coast — over for dinner. From left to right are Cousin Mike, Cousin Ann, Cousin Nick, and Cousin Elissa. You’ll have to figure out the ones in the middle yourself.

    dellamonicas visit april 2012

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