Today is a day for celebrating!
First, this is the 100th blog post on The Lexingtonienne!
Second, it is my half birthday! No joke. I am 30 1/2 today.
Third, Gwyneth blogged yesterday about sugar addiction, which inspired me to make cupcakes.
Fourth, it’s Friday! (Seriously, can this day get any better?) 🙂
One thing is bad, though. I made these cupcakes from a mix because I was lazy. The frosting is store-bought too — I just piped it on so it would look fancy. But… who cares?! Cupcakes!
We’ll talk more Thanksgiving next week and I also have a couple of new ways to make veggies… but do you really want veggies on a Friday? I do not.
Have a wonderful weekend, and don’t forget to set your clocks back!