The Lexingtonienne



So, there’s not really a blog post today because yesterday was the HOTTEST DAY EVER.

If you think 113 degree weather inspired me to get into the kitchen yesterday afternoon in order to blog about it today, then you be crazy. Baby Girl and I sat very still in the air conditioning all day and subsisted on grapes and leftover stir-fry. And lots of ice water in sweat-proof Tervis tumblers.

BUT… this is a good time to let you know that I will happily take your requests. Is there a recipe you’d like to see on The Lexingtonienne? (For example, my friend Erin requested red velvet cake, and Katie asked for demanded Kentucky hot browns.) Is there something you’ve never been able to figure out or don’t have time to deal with, so you’d like me to pioneer it for you? OR, if you have a fabulous recipe you’d like to share with the group, send it to me and I’ll try it out! Email me at

Stay cool, y’all.


  • Comment by HaleyD — September 29, 2010 @ 12:26 pm


  • Comment by L McSwain-Starrett — September 30, 2010 @ 6:53 am

    I second white bean chicken chili! I’ve seen versions that included nutmeg, and green chilis, and those that didn’t. I’ve seen runny ones almost like soup….but I’m thinking nice and thick…so maybe after the heat wave is over 🙂

    Also — how about some more Italian dishes? I love your blog Hannah!

  • Comment by Hannilou — September 30, 2010 @ 2:31 pm

    I will definitely do a chicken chili post! I have a great one that I love. It’s nice and thick too, not brothy-soupy.

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