The Lexingtonienne



Happy Friday! Here is what I’m doing today:


Yep, the Duffys are traveling again… this time to Isle of Palms, South Carolina for a laid-back vacation with Mama, Sister, brother-in-law Dan, and precious baby Cooper. Hubba Bubba and I have tried to get lots of travel in while it’s still comfortable for me. We want to get out into the world as much as possible before the Warden arrives to put us on lock-down in December.

Speaking of the Warden, here is a recent photo of her. She had some umbilical cord in front of her face that day, so we didn’t do one of those nifty 4D ultrasounds, but she smiled for the camera anyway! As of last Friday (when this photo was taken), she weighed 1 pound, 9 ounces. And I weighed 101 pounds, 9 ounces. 😉


I’m hoping to be able to blog next week from le vacay… in the meantime, enjoy your weekend!



  • Comment by Markey — September 17, 2010 @ 12:03 pm

    Have a great time and take lots of pics! What a neat name!!! Is it a family name??

  • Comment by Hannilou — September 17, 2010 @ 12:31 pm

    Haha – no, “Warden” isn’t her name. It’s what I’m referring to her as at the moment. As in “prison warden.” Gurrrrl, I know I’m never leaving this house once she’s born! 😉

  • Comment by Markey — September 17, 2010 @ 4:48 pm

    Bert just explained that to me as well. wow. The first time I read it I didn’t catch the ‘the’ before Warden and at first I thought it must be a boy… and then you said her… and so, I thought oh, it must be a family name. wow. Bert just informed me he wouldn’t admit my stupidity. SO, now that I feel like a big ‘ol dumby- tell me her name!

  • Comment by Hannilou — September 17, 2010 @ 6:54 pm

    Phew!!! I’m glad Bert got it! I was starting to worry that I had written something that only I would get (wouldn’t be the first time). Anyway, we are “sitting” on a name right now. I don’t want to be one of those dorky couples who are all secretive about the name, but we just want to decide it for ourselves — make sure WE love it — and are going to share it as soon as we are 110% sure it’s the one. And actually I’m ready to share now, but Mike wants a little bit more time, which is kind of cute of us because HE’S usually the one who’s ready to pull the trigger, and I’M the one who always wants more time to think about it, regardless of what decision we’re making.

  • Comment by SarahD — September 20, 2010 @ 10:40 am

    Here’s hoping you guys have a BLAST on your trip! Give that sweet lil’ Coop a squeeze for me! We are looking forward to that baby girl! Wishing you guys safe travels!

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