A long, long time ago…
In a galaxy far, far away…
When I was a little girl…
I went to camp every summer at Cathedral Domain in the mountains of Kentucky. Each day at lunch, Lucy, the camp director, would make announcements, and we campers would sing the most obnoxious song to announce the announcements. It went like this:
Announcements! Announcements! Annoooooouncements!
A terrible death to die, a terrible death to die…
A terrible death to talk to death, a terrible death to die!
The song actually went on for several excruciating verses sung by several screeching voices. It was great. Anyway, I’ll keep this announcement short (“a terrible death to talk to death” and all).
We’re having a baby.
It was a surprise, as you might guess by our December 28 due date. Sorry, kid. We’ll throw you half-birthday parties in June. But we’re very happy. 🙂 And I’ll keep you guys posted on all the details (well, the ones you want to know, at least.)
The flight from LAX to Heathrow should be fun. I wonder if I can break the record for number of trips to the bathroom on one flight… ?
Talk to you from London Town!
P.S. Happy Birthday, Lori!