The Lexingtonienne
  • Recipes
  • July13th


    Oh Baby

    Posted in: Family, Recipes


    I’m what the psychology types call an introvert.



    My personal motto is, “The fewer, the merrier.”



    And I love to be alone. I almost never get lonely.




    When it comes to making new friends, I can put on my extrovert face and pretend to be social and outgoing. But in general, I prefer the company of old friends who already “get” me. 🙂




    But when a guy as cute as this one comes along, I’m pretty excited to have a new friend. This is Owen, y’all. He was born on July 6 to Mike’s cousin John (aka DJ Blista) and his wife, Alexi.



    As an excuse to come over and meet Owen, I made the new parents a big batch of my mother-in-law’s famous bolognese sauce and a loaf of sour cream chocolate chip cake. They totally fell for my trick. 😉



    Congratulations to John & Alexi on their precious arrival! And congratulations to YOU, blog readers, on the fortuitous occasion that you have come across this really fabulous cake recipe. I happened to find it the other day in the Joy of Cooking, and it has quickly become a new favorite. You do not want to miss out on this one.


    From the Joy of Cooking

    5 T butter, melted and cooled slightly
    2/3 C sugar
    1 t vanilla
    1/4 t salt
    1 C sour cream
    1 large egg
    3/4 t baking soda
    3/4 t baking powder
    1 1/2 C all-purpose flour
    3/4 C miniature or regular chocolate chips (Joy suggests semisweet. I used milk chocolate.)

    Preheat oven to 350. Grease and flour one 9×5 inch loaf pan. Pour melted butter into a large mixing bowl. Add sugar, vanilla, salt, sour cream, and egg and stir together until smooth. Whisk baking soda and baking powder together in a small bowl to break up any lumps. Add to mixture in pinches and whisk in. Stir in flour until just combined. (Over-mixing will overstimulate the gluten in the flour and make your cake tough.) Stir in chocolate chips.

    Scrape the batter into the pan and spread evenly. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 40-45 minutes. (Mine took longer, about an hour.) Let cool in the pan on a rack for 10 minutes. Slide a thin knife around the cake to detach it from the pan. Invert the cake and let it cool right side up on the rack.

    I sliced my cake up, put the slices in cellophane bags from Michael’s Craft Store, and took some to the new parents and some for our Hollywood Bowl picnic.


  • July12th


    Hollywood Bowl

    In LA, different crowds have marked their partying turf in various corners of the city.

    chicken about to poach

    chicken broth pour

    The hippies mellow out in Venice. The gays keep West Hollywood vibrant and fabulous. Silver Lake is where the goth-y hipsters go to ruminate (no blonds allowed).

    chicken salad mayo ingredients

    chicken salad mayo sauce

    But in case you were wondering where the sexagenarians go to tie one on, you can find them at the Hollywood Bowl when the LA Philharmonic plays their tribute to the Beatles.

    the bowl crowd

    pulled chicken

    chopped celery

    Never ones to miss such a happening scene, this past Saturday night, Hubba Bubba and I invited our friends Matt & Christy along for a Bowl picnic under the stars followed by some serious Sergeant Peppering.

    chicken salad

    The Hollywood Bowl is one of my favorite date spots in LA. When Mike and I didn’t have two nickels to rub together, we would buy $11 bench seats at the Bowl, pack a picnic dinner, and slurp cheap wine while the Philharmonic serenaded us with Mozart, Wagner, and Brahms.

    chicken salad croissant

    We still like the far-away bench seats. The less die-hard Philharmonic fans sit back there and don’t mind if you have whispered conversations throughout the performance. I also have no need to see the first violinist close-up. I don’t know about you though; we all have our priorities.

    corn boiling

    corn off the cob

    corn off the cob

    My favorite part of the whole experience is planning, preparing, and packing the picnic. There’s a fun challenge in selecting a dinner menu that is excellent served cold, travels well, and is easy to eat when you’re squeezed into a narrow share of wooden bench (though sometimes you’re lucky enough to snag a picnic table). I’m now a picnic-packing veteran, and I’ve picked up a few lessons along the way.

    black beans rinse

    basil and tomatoes

    First, I have learned that Whole Foods will very graciously GIVE you a handful of to-go containers for absolutely free. Perhaps this is to make up for the fact that I pay them $37.99 for a pitifully weenie portion of Egyptian Magic body balm?

    basil stacked

    rolling basil

    rolling basil

    chiffonading basil

    basil chiffonade

    I have also learned that it’s best if no knives are required. A knife means you need two hands to eat, but you already have one hand busily holding your glass of wine. Your wine hand is performing far too important a task to be bothered with cutting. Finger foods or fork-only is your best bet.

    vinaigrette ingredients

    champagne vinaigrette

    corn, beans, tomatoes, basil

    And finally I have learned to pack an inexpensive wine key, because there is a good chance you will throw it into a bag and accidentally toss it out at the end of the night. Put someone to be in charge of said wine key until all bottles have been opened. The continual “pop!” of wine bottles being uncorked throughout the venue provides a delightfully percussive supplement to the evening’s soundtrack, and it is your duty as a patron of the arts to contribute.

    picnic box


    napkins rolled

    And when every last drop of pinot has been drunk, every last twang of psychedelic sitar string has vibrated into the night, and every last note of 1960s peace and love has been nostalgically bellowed, you get to watch all the empty-nesters stumble drunkenly out of the Hollywood Bowl as you wonder what the hippies did in Venice tonight.


    H&M at the bowl

    Tarragon chicken salad on croissants (recipe below)
    Summer corn & black bean salad with champagne vinaigrette (recipe below)
    Fresh cut melon
    Salt & pepper kettle chips
    Sour cream chocolate chip cake (recipe coming this week)

    3 chicken split breasts (with skin and bones)
    1 onion, quartered
    3 celery stalks (2 halved crosswise, 1 chopped)
    2 carrots, halved crosswise
    2 garlic cloves, lightly smashed
    1 bunch fresh tarragon
    2 bay leaves
    48 oz. chicken broth (or enough to cover ingredients – you can add water to supplement)
    1 C mayonnaise
    1 T lemon juice
    2 T chopped fresh tarragon
    1 t garlic powder
    1 t onion powder
    Salt & pepper to taste

    Salt & pepper chicken breasts and place in a large, heavy saucepan with the onion, 2 celery stalks, carrots, garlic, tarragon, bay leaves, and chicken broth. Simmer over medium-low heat (you don’t want the liquid to boil), uncovered, for about 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. This process is called poaching. SHORTCUT: Buy a roast chicken at the store.

    Remove chicken breasts to a separate plate and allow to cool. [I also recommend straining the vegetables out of the chicken broth and freezing the broth for later use.]

    Combine mayonnaise, lemon juice, chopped celery, tarragon, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt & pepper, altering amounts to taste if desired. When chicken breasts are cool enough to handle, remove the skin, cut the meat off the bones, and use two forks to shred the meat. Add chicken to mayonnaise mixture and combine thoroughly. You can do this a day ahead and store in the fridge in a covered container. Makes enough for 4 sandwiches.

    6 ears fresh corn
    1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
    2 T (or more, if you like) fresh basil chiffonade
    1 C ripe cherry, grape, or baby heirloom tomatoes, halved
    Juice of 1/2 a lime
    1/4 C champagne vinegar
    2 T sugar
    1/2 C extra virgin olive oil
    Salt & pepper to taste

    Bring water to a boil in a large, heavy saucepan. Boil corn for about 6 minutes (just enough to heat it through). When the corn has cooled, cut it off the cob and place kernels in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Stir in black beans and tomatoes. Chiffonade basil by rolling up basil leaves and cutting into thin, crosswise strips (see photos above).

    In a separate small bowl, whisk together lime juice, champagne vinegar, and sugar. Slowly add olive oil while whisking constantly. The mixture will thicken as you whisk – this is called an emulsion. Taste your vinaigrette for balance of flavors. You may want to add more sugar, etc. Slowly stir vinaigrette into corn mixture, mix thoroughly, and taste as you go. (I used most but not all of my vinaigrette.) Add salt & pepper to taste. Serve chilled. Serves 4-6.

    Both the chicken salad and the corn salad can be adjusted to your personal tastes by using more or less garlic powder, sugar, etc. Season conservatively and taste as you go until you get it just the way you like it.

    All you need is love,

    P.S. Many thanks to Mike for photographing the chiffonading of the basil 😉

  • July9th


    Before I got together with an Italian named Duffy, I thought tomato sauce came in a jar labeled Ragu or Prego. The first time I suggested this for dinner, Mike sat in stunned silence, as though I had just said, “I am going to shave my head and get a tattoo on my face.”

    tomato sauce ingredients.

    When informed that dump-and-heat was not an acceptable dinner option (hi, college, I miss you), I embarked on what would be a very long road to the ideal homemade tomato sauce.

    tomato sauce

    I spent the next several years of my life slumming around with chopped onions, garlic, mushrooms, basil, oregano, flat-leaf parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, pepper flakes, dashes of sugar, and on and on and on. And it was fine. I could make tomato sauce that was fine. Sorry — I could make tomato gravy that was fine. (These Italians with their language.) Fine, but not amazing.

    tomato sauce

    A few months ago I stumbled across an oddly simple tomato sauce recipe on Smitten Kitchen. Apparently this recipe has circulated among the food bloggers like a sorority girl in an ill-mannered joke. The food nerds were losing their minds over it, so I set the recipe aside to try at some point. Finally, this week, I did.

    tomato sauce

    Wow. I could wax annoying about balance and sweetness and acidity and roundness and silkiness, but instead I’ll just say…

    tomato sauce

    tomato sauce



    Adapted from Marcella Hazan’s recipe in The Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking

    1 28-oz can whole peeled tomatoes (San Marzano brand if you can find it)
    5 T unsalted butter
    1 medium yellow onion, peeled and halved
    Salt to taste, if needed (the San Marzano tomatoes are already salted, so I did not need additional salt)

    Put all ingredients into a heavy saucepan over medium heat. When the sauce comes to a simmer, reduce the heat and cook for about 45 more minutes (or longer is fine), stirring occasionally and crushing the tomatoes with a wooden spoon. Discard the onions, spoon over pasta, and serve with grated parmesan cheese. And if you’re an Italian named Duffy, with a dollop of “regat” (i.e. ricotta cheese) on top.

    Supposedly this serves 4. Haha! I say this serves 2 for an entree. You’ll want a little extra for dipping crusty garlic bread – trust me.


    Seriously… GO NOW. Do not delay. Especially if you love tomato sauce and you can’t devote much time to cooking because you have an adorable baby. (Hi, Seester!) You have already wasted several minutes. Why are you still reading?!

    Run along now,

    P.S. Ina and I are in a fight. Her recipes are always SO reliable, but I made her hummus (supposedly one of the easiest things to make, ever) and it was gross. I’m going to have raw garlic taste stuck in my mouth for days. If I start to forgive her a little bit, I may try the recipe again with some serious modifications. If I do, I’ll let you know how it goes.

  • July7th

    1 Comment

    Have you ever hosted a dinner party? You know how it goes: you want to be really impressive so you slave away in order to make something fancy and involved. And then you’re like, Crap, what about dessert? You can’t serve slice-n-bake cookies, now can you? Embarrassing. But you don’t have half a day to bake a cake or a tart or a torte. You need to stick with simple, but the old berries-and-whipped-cream stand-by seems so… obvious. Lean in closer, my friend. Let’s talk.


    Adapted from the Joy of Cooking
    1 pint fresh raspberries (you can also use frozen – just make sure there’s no sugar added)
    3 T sugar (or more)
    2 T fresh lemon juice (or orange juice, or a combination of both)

    oranges and lemon

    Coulis (coo-LEE) is a fancy word for sauce. That’s it.

    spoonfla sugar

    You put everything in the food processor and pulse till it’s smooth. That’s it.

    about to be coulis

    pureed coulis

    Then you use a rubber spatula to push it through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.

    how the strainer gets into the bowl

    coulis into the sieve

    pushing coulis through

    Do this twice just to make sure you really get all the seeds. That’s it.

    coulis drip

    coulis in the bowl

    raspberry seeds

    coulis in a pyrex

    Pour your pretentious raspberry coulis over a brownie sundae (hello!), or leftover Key lime pie, or I’ll show you what I did after we talk about…

    Adapted from the Joy of Cooking (perhaps you are starting to notice a pattern with me)
    3/4 C heavy cream
    8 oz bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
    1 T liqueur or 1 t vanilla (optional)

    ganache ingredients

    Ganache (gan-AHSH) is a French term that refers to any combination of chocolate and cream.

    chocolate chopped

    cream pour

    boiling cream

    Bring the cream to a boil. Remove from heat and add the chocolate. Stir until most of the chocolate is melted. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Stir or whisk until completely smooth. Stir in liqueur or vanilla if using.

    ganache 1

    ganache 2

    ganache 3

    For a pourable glaze, let your ganache stand at room temperature until the mixture cools slightly. For frosting, let stand until spreadable. If it gets too stiff, you can pop it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. It keeps for up to 3 days at room temperature or up to 1 week refrigerated.

    smooth ganache

    This makes a fabulous cake frosting, or you could spread it over brownies made from a store-bought mix, or you could stand at the counter and eat it all with a spoon, or you could keep it even simpler and do this:

    coulis drizzle

    ganache drizzle

    That bottle of Magic Shell in your fridge is going to feel really bashful. And it should. You are going to feel really fancy. And you should. 🙂

    Tell your book club friends to tune in tomorrow for a Q&A with one of the stars of the soon-to-be-filmed movie adaptation of The Help!!!
