The Lexingtonienne
  • Recipes
  • August19th


    slow cooker

    Can you believe we have spent all this time together and we haven’t talked about crock pot cooking yet?

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  • August18th



    Greetings from Blueberry Hill.

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  • August16th

    1 Comment


    Once upon a time, there was this really cute guy that I liked. I wanted to impress him, so I invited him over to my place and made him dinner.

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  • August12th


    Happy Thursday! Fun stuff today. The humble blog here garnered the attention of fellow blogger (and fellow Lexingtonienne) Holli, who so kindly requested an interview with yours truly. Be sure to check it out on Holli’s blog, A Wondering Spirit, which is really funny, relatable, and a truly delightful read. Thanks again, Holli!

    Also, thank you for your kind and supportive comments to yesterday’s post. I was nervous y’all would think I was a stingy old grump (well, those of you who really know me know that I am – haha) because new moms are supposed to be all aglow with naive excitement. I was afraid that expressing anything less than that would be met with judgment, but I went for the honest version anyway and can’t tell you how much I appreciate your awesome responses. (That said, I can’t stop looking at her precious little face on the 4D ultrasound photo. Melt.)



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