The Lexingtonienne
  • Recipes
  • September7th


    Pop Tart!

    Posted in: Recipes


    When I was about 15, my dad took my friend Mary Beth and me to a UK basketball game. We went with my uncle Johnny, my cousin Hunter, and our family friend Bret.

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  • September3rd


    Ironically enough, with Labor Day coming up, I haven’t felt like doing any work this week. I haven’t so much been in the mood for grocery shopping, cooking, and post-dinner kitchen clean-up.



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  • September2nd



    Have you ever heard of a fish called turbot?

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  • August30th


    How was your weekend? Here’s what I did.

    Harlow 1

    On Friday I got to meet little Harlow Parker Baldinger.

    Harlow 3

    Harlow made her debut last Thursday, August 26, weighing in at 8 pounds, 3 ounces. She was 19 inches long, and I’m just so happy for her mama and daddy, Devon & Jeff. Harlow, I might add, looks JUST like her mama. Beautiful. 🙂

    Harlow 2

    On Saturday morning Hubba Bubba and I went out to run that 5K I told you about, benefitting the Bonnie J. Adarrio Lung Cancer Foundation. I had hoped to run most of it, and I expected to have to walk part of it. To my pleasant surprise, Baby Girl and I sailed through the whole thing, running like we were some kind of powered-by-two superwoman. “This isn’t bad at all!” I thought to myself with the finish line looming ahead. As I crossed over it, I heard my time called out. “Nineteen minutes!” Nineteen minutes?!

    chocolate chip cookies

    Now, I knew there was just no way on this earth that I had run 3.1 miles in 19 minutes. It turned out that the course hadn’t been mapped out correctly, and the “5K” had been a mere 2.1 miles.

    chocolate chip cookies

    chocolate chip cookies

    This not-so-minor snafu in course planning reminded me that we were out there to raise awareness for a good cause, and that that goal, at least, had been accomplished. My workout, however, had not been. So Hubba Bubba and I went back together and ran the course a second time in order to earn our brunch.

    chocolate chip cookies

    chocolate chip cookies

    I called Sister afterwards, giggling, to tell her that my “5K” time had been 19 minutes. That event was supposed to have been the pinnacle of my pregnancy fitness, I explained to her, and so I was feeling a little anti-climactic. Besides, I’d talked about it on the blog. Now what would I tell the readers?

    chocolate chip cookies

    Sister’s advice: “So go out and run a 5K and time yourself.” Hmm. I’ll have to get back to y’all on that one.

    chocolate chip cookies

    chocolate chip cookies

    On Sunday I went shopping and found some bargains on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica (not a usual spot for bargain shopping, so I was pretty excited). I also overheard a really loud guy with a seriously strong New York accent talking to his kids in one of the stores I popped into. “Man this guy is… northern,” I thought to myself, shortly before realizing it was Adam Sandler! Living in LA can be kind of fun. 🙂

    chocolate chip cookies

    Afterwards I came home and made chocolate chip cookies. Just the regular old Nestle Tollhouse recipe you find on the chocolate chip bag. But they were good.

    chocolate chip cookies

    Like I said, the recipe is on the bag, but I’ve listed the ingredients below so you can make your grocery list. These are particularly rewarding after you have completed a 5K, or a “5K.” 😉

    chocolate chip cookies

    2 1/4 C all-purpose flour
    1 t baking soda
    1 t salt
    2 sticks butter, softened
    3/4 C granulated sugar
    3/4 C packed brown sugar
    1 t vanilla extract
    2 large eggs
    1 11.5-oz package chocolate chips (I used semisweet chunks.)
    1 C chopped nuts (I skipped this, but it’s up to you.)

    Prepare and bake according to package directions.

    Have a great week!