The Lexingtonienne
  • Recipes
  • March19th

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    Hey y’all! I’m guest blogging today over at Dad Or Alive.

    A toddler is like a Border Collie: an adorable, loyal companion who is whip-smart, fun-loving, ridiculously energetic, and who almost always wants to be by your side. And, like a Border Collie, if not kept busy in a constructive way, a toddler will rain destruction upon your home.

    14 months

    14 months


  • March15th


    In case you didn’t notice at Halloween, Thanksgiving, Eleanora’s birthday, or several times throughout the Christmas season, I’m kind of obsessed with making playlists on iTunes. Obviously I made one for St. Patrick’s Day. Here are some of the highlights, for your green-beer-drinking pleasure this Saturday. I recommend sprinkling these in with some of your favorite (non-St-Patrick’s-Day) tunes.

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  • February23rd


    The Oscars are this Sunday, and I — like you, I’m sure — will be cheering on Octavia Spencer to take home the Best Supporting Actress prize for her role as Minny in The Help.


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  • February17th


    A long, long time ago… in a galaxy far, far away… I had a normal, adult job. I got up every Monday through Friday morning and showered for it. And then I drove to work all alone in my quiet car while I soaked up all the important news on NPR.

    Now I have a mom job. I report to work every day. (In the words of Violet, the Dowager Countess, “What is a weekend?”) Some days I get a chance to shower (hooray!), and I catch bits of what’s happening on The Outside by straining to hear the Today Show over a discordant orchestra of 18 different “educational” toys that are all making noise at the same time.

    Last month, my two galaxies collided when my former bosses, Aaron & Gretchen (pictured here at our wedding four years ago – look how wellested I look!)…

    Wedding with A&G

    Photo by Jonathan Adams

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