The Lexingtonienne
  • I Love My Husband
  • May5th


    It’s my birthday, and look who I get to spend it with…

    Marina picnic

    These two are the best birthday present ever. Luvzee.

    Have a great day, y’all…


    P.S. There won’t be any Derbyelated posts from me this year, as we will be attending a friend’s wedding this Saturday rather than hosting or attending a Derby party. I do, however, intend to watch the race from home before we set out for Malibu for the nuptials. Any of you Lexingtonians or Lexingtoniennes have a favorite running??

  • March21st


    Just a quick post to share a few photos from St. Patrick’s Day last week, when Eleanora and I surprised Hubba Bubba at work.


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  • January3rd


    Well, our new roommate has been with us for 3 weeks now as of yesterday (Sunday).

    3 weeks

    She’s doing tummy time…
    tummy time

    And doesn’t like that her dad had to go back to work today (but I keep telling her it’s a good thing).
    over it

    I haven’t really gotten back into the kitchen yet — except to make Chex Mix, which would have made for a hacky blog, seeing as everybody knows how to make Chex Mix. But thanks to somebody being a great sleeper last night and a good napper this morning, I did get a shower, put on makeup, straightened the house, and did some laundry. Not bad for Hubba Bubba’s first day back to work and my first official day on the job.

    Speaking of our new roommate, she’s waking up… I’d better run. Have a wonderful week!


  • December6th



    Mike and Tim (you know, that guy who was born 13 minutes after Mike and kinda looks like him) are 36 today. Over the weekend we celebrated their 72 combined years by feasting on a whole suckling pig. (Warning, this blog post is for serious foodies. If you’re squeamish, you may find some of the photos a bit graphic. I don’t think they’re too bad, though. I mean, I sat at the table and ATE the thing while looking at it. But I’m just saying, if you’re kind of wimpy… maybe check back in tomorrow instead.)

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