The Lexingtonienne
  • Eleanora
  • August27th


    In case anyone was wondering.

    EBD 18-19 months

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  • July30th


    For as long as I can remember, my dad has raved about an Apricot Nectar Cake his Aunt Jean used to make for him. So when he and my stepmom, Lori, visited us in California over Father’s Day weekend, I thought I’d surprise him with his favorite cake.

    Apricot Nectar Cake

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  • June26th

    1 Comment

    Recently, Hubba Bubba and I awoke to discover that our child was totally grown up! Next week she’s taking the SATs, going to prom, and getting her driver’s license.

    EBD 18 months

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  • June25th


    Did you know that Seester and I are Brady-maniacs? We have seen every episode of the Brady Bunch at least 100 times and can tell you which episode it is within the first ten seconds of the show.

    strawberry pie

    Literally, it’s like, you see Bobby walking across the astroturf lawn, and we’re like, “It’s the one where Marcia wants to go out with Doug-Simpson-Big-Man-On-Campus but then the football hits her nose!”

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