The Lexingtonienne
  • Eleanora
  • March13th


    3 months

    On Saturday Eleanora celebrated her three month birthday.

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  • March11th


    I woke up this morning to discover these two snugglers next to me in the bed:

    Sleeping In

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  • March3rd


    She’s got her whisk and she’s back in action! Baby Chef (aka my fearless assistant) is at it again…

    11 weeks baby chef

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  • March2nd


    Eleven Weeks

    Posted in: Eleanora

    Just wanted to share the latest photos of Eleanora and let you know what she’s up to at 11 weeks. For starters, she’s very interested in language. When we talk to her or make a new sound, she stares at our mouths, studying. She’s also getting quite talkative herself, and keeps up her end of the conversation with lots of coos and ahhs.

    Tummy time is no longer a traumatic event. She lifts her head up, holds it there, and looks from side to side.

    11 weeks

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