The Lexingtonienne
  • Eleanora
  • April29th


    This morning at 3:30 am California time, I snuck downstairs to watch the Royal Wedding on live TV. And just as the princess-to-be arrived at Westminster Abbey, another princess awoke in her crib. That princess’s mother (you know, the QUEEN – har har) decided to get her up, and together Eleanora and I watched the wedding of Prince William and Princess Catherine.

    EBD gets her royal on

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  • April24th


    Hey there! I hope you had a very happy Easter weekend. Here are a few photos of our Easter.

    Eleanora, wearing her Easter Bunny pajamas, woke up to find that the Easter Bunny himself had paid her a visit, much to her great joy and surprise. (Just kidding, she didn’t know the difference, but the Easter Bunny thought it a good idea to get in the habit of stopping at our house.)

    EBD Bunny

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  • April18th


    Sometimes when I am cooking, a small jolt of alarm shoots through me and I think, “I shouldn’t be cooking at home alone without an adult present.”

    lettuce wraps

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  • April13th

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    Four Months

    Posted in: Eleanora

    Yesterday (April 12) was Eleanora’s 4 month birthday…

    EBD 4 months

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