The Lexingtonienne
  • Eleanora
  • October10th


    How was your weekend? We spent ours getting into the Halloween spirit by taking Eleanora to her first pumpkin patch.

    EBD pumpkin patch

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  • October4th


    Super Uncle works right up the street from our house, so sometimes when he gets off early, he stops by to play! I was going to include just one of these photos in a bigger blog post, but the sequence was so cute that, well… here’s all of them. 🙂

    Josh & EBD 9 months

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  • September13th


    I haven’t posted a blog in forever and have some catching up to do… we’ve been busy! First, my mom came to visit. (Can you believe my mom’s amazing hair? It’s so thick and shiny. I got my dad’s hair.)

    EBD & Shae Shae Sept 2011

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  • August29th


    Here is a step-by-step parents’ guide for making King Ranch Chicken Casserole. First, a note. While your child naps, it is recommended that you do all the prep you can do. Cook and shred the chicken. Chop the vegetables. Measure out your spices. Slice the tortillas. If your child does not take a nap, it is recommended that you order pizza. OK, let’s get started!

    First, set the baby in her highchair with a fancy plastic bowl to play with. (Do not worry about wiping off her face after she just ate dinner.)

    8 1/2 months

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