The Lexingtonienne
  • Eleanora
  • November1st


    How was your Halloween weekend? Ours was super fun — Eleanora’s Uncle Brian was visiting from Philadelphia. We went down to Redondo Beach for some fresh seafood. (Note that it is Mike’s twin brother, Tim, in the photo below with Brian, not Mike. But of course you already knew that.)

    Tim & Brian October 2011

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  • October24th


    Had I known that what will forever be one of my favorite photos was going to be taken, I would have at least put on a swipe of makeup. Or worn something that was my color. (My hair is what it is… there is no helping it.) Or brought the good camera to brunch with us.

    But here it is… captured on iPhone by Hubba Bubba, at a diner, with an unmade-up mama, and a baby who was sick with her first cold. In spite of feeling bad, she kept sweetly leaning over, wanting to touch her forehead to mine, and smiling.


    I think she is the prettiest, sweetest, best little thing in the world. And she loves me too.



  • October20th


    Ten Months

    Posted in: Eleanora

    She’s ten months old.

    EBD 10 months

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  • October19th

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    I swear I really do not like Halloween.


    Yes, I made a Halloween playlist.

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