My friend Erin emailed me about a couples shower she and her husband are hosting soon. She’s thinking about serving a signature cocktail similar to the delicious blackberry-lemonade-vodka concoction served at Art & Jenny’s wedding last April and asked for my input.
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I Just Need Your Signature: Blackberry Limeade Cocktail
Posted in: Eleanora, Family, I Love My Husband, My House is a Wreck, Recipes
Catching Up
Posted in: Life
Ahhh, hi! I haven’t been much of a correspondent lately, have I? We’ve had a lot going on, and I’ve not spent much time in the kitchen or on the blog. Here’s what we’ve been up to.
First, Hubba Bubba and I FINALLY became citizens of this century when we got iPhones two weeks ago. We can hardly put them down, and Eleanora has already spent quite a bit of time doing FaceTime with her cousin Cooper in Kentucky, who says “baby” and blows kisses at the phone when he sees her. Melt. I’ve been slightly obsessed with the convenience of the iPhone camera, as you will notice later in this post.
Happy Birthday to Me
Posted in: Eleanora, Family, I Love My Husband, Life
It’s my birthday, and look who I get to spend it with…
These two are the best birthday present ever. Luvzee.
Have a great day, y’all…
P.S. There won’t be any Derbyelated posts from me this year, as we will be attending a friend’s wedding this Saturday rather than hosting or attending a Derby party. I do, however, intend to watch the race from home before we set out for Malibu for the nuptials. Any of you Lexingtonians or Lexingtoniennes have a favorite running??
Pie Practice: Chocolate Meringue Pie
Posted in: Recipes
By the time I was seven, I had watched my dad, my uncle Josh, my aunt Allison, and my Mimi play piano so beautifully that I was DYYYYYYYING to be able to play piano myself. After I BEGGED my parents — for what felt like years but was probably a few weeks — for piano lessons, they finally signed me up with a delightfully eccentric piano teacher named Billy.